Lesotho Tour Operator-Lesotho overland tours. Lesotho guided tours Lesotho overland 4x4 Jeep excursions, Lesotho 4x4 Adventure Culture and Historical Tours- UNESCO World Heritage Site

Welcome to the Mountain Kingdom-Lesotho!

Thaba Tours has 210 itineraries to choose from and been in operation for 23 years!

                           AFRICAS BEST KEPT SECRET-LESOTHO!

                     Tours 1of 6 is below - Tailor-Made Tours are our Speciality!

TOUR -1                                    Lesotho Overland Tour: 1 night / 2 days – Mokhotlong Hotel 

Day 1: All meals-own cost! 
Departure at 08H30 from Underberg/Himeville and travel via the Sani Pass Stop at the Good Hope Trading Store, originated in 1917 by John White-Smith. Ascending the legendary Sani Pass with its hair- pin bends offering unparalleled vistas of the Sani Valley and Drakensberg Escarpment situated within the Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park, one of our World Heritage Sites. Proteas along the road, proceed to viewing of 12 Apostles. These geological structures are one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world. Our Guide is taking care of the border formalities. At the summit at 2.874m we stop for lunch at the Lodge, the New Highest Pub in Africa (2874m). Thereafter we proceed to the ascending the Black Mountain Pass up to 3.280m, following the Senqu River. Nearby the highest mountain in Southern Africa, Thabana Ntlenyana with 3.482m, meaning “the little mountain which is a little nice”. Along the route Basotho shepherds, visit No. 10 Riverside, for Art- Craft village, they display what Basotho people used in the past and explanations, Basotho cultural dance and Sangoma. Proceed to Mokhotlong Town. 
Overnight: Hotel. 

Day 2: All meals-own cost! 
Breakfast at the Hotel and travel up into the Highlands of Lesotho to view the Highest Diamond mine in the world. Viewing=30 minutes from roadside only (2 hours’ drive there and a 2 hours’ drive back)! Proceed via ST. James Mission viewing of the mission, then we will double back the route from day one, refreshment stop, or lunch stop at Sani Mountain Lodge. Our guide will take care of border formalities, descend the Sani Pass. Arrival in Underberg /Himeville at 12h00, lunch at hotel? Depart onto your next destination. 

                                                                                           End of Tour! 

TOUR - 2                                                       Lesotho Overland- 3 Nights / 4 Days 
                                                                                    Heritage and Culture
Day 1: All meals-own cost! 
Depending on flight arrival! Might have to include Thaba Bosiu only! Pickup at Maseru airport and depart for Ha Kome Caves (if open), is situated near Teya-Teyaneng. At Ha Kome there is a remarkable village where cave dwellings have been carved out under towering rocks. The families still living there today are descendants of the original people who “built” the caves in the 19th century and the site is now a National Heritage Site. The people living there now still live much as their forefathers did almost two centuries ago and those who have occupied the caves over the years have left a rich cultural history. Gruesomely, this area was once home to cannibals and past generations of Basotho fled to the caves to hide from them. Parking at the top of the hill allows you to walk for about 20 minutes to reach the Ha Kome visitors Centre where we will be given a guided tour of the caves and told something of the history and culture of the people. This is the burial site of the Kings graves. Thaba Bosiu is a sandstone plateau with an area of approximately 2 km2 and a height of 1,804 meters above sea level. It is located between the Orange and Caledon Rivers in the Maseru District of Lesotho, 24 km east of the country's capital Maseru. In the early 19th century, the Basotho chief Moshoeshoe I established a stronghold on the plateau to act as a refuge for his people during a war with the Ndebele people. At an elevation of nearly 120 meters above the surrounding area, the plateau formed a natural fortress to gather the Basotho people in times of danger. The plateau's large area meant it could hold enough livestock and provisions to support the people during a lengthy siege. The word Thaba means mountain in the Sesotho language and Bosiu means 'at night'. The name mountain of the night echoed the local belief that the mountain grew during the night and shrunk during day, leaving enemies who tried scaling it during the night still stranded on the cliffs and vulnerable for attack next morning. Thaba Bosiu also acted as Moshoeshoe headquarters during the various Basuto Wars. During the first Free State–Basotho War against the Orange Free State in 1858, the Free State's commandoes tried assaulting the stronghold, but met with little success During the third war against the Free State in 1868, Thaba Bosiu was the only stronghold in Basutoland that wasn't stormed by the Free State forces. In the time the stronghold remained manned, it was never taken by the enemy When Moshoeshoe died in 1870, he was buried on Thaba Bosiu. The settlement on Thaba Bosiu has since been abandoned, and only ruins and the graves of various Basotho chiefs remain. The plateau is currently a national monument and often visited .
Overnight: Guest House. 

Day 2: All meals-own cost! 
Depart after breakfast and do a Maseru orientation tour visit the information and curio center and viewing of Tapestries. being made! For those who are interested in stamps, we can stop at the Post Office in Maseru and buy stamps! Proceed along winding, ascending 2.750m high Thaba Putswa range of mountains, which dominates the range in the north. On tar road we drive past mountains of white sandstone to Roma. The city is the principal center of the Roman Catholic Church in Lesotho and since 1964 the site of the National University of Lesotho. Roma was found in 1862 when King Moshoeshoe granted the site to Bishop Allard and Father Gerard to Semonkong known as ‘The Place of Smoke’. The place boasts the spectacular Maletsunyane Falls which thunder from a height of 204m, as one of the highest /longest single drop waterfalls in Africa. The journey will explore through the rugged mountains of Lesotho with experienced guides via Roma. A scenic drive through bushy landscape, small forests and farmland dotted with picturesque villages. Along the road dense bushes and shrubs used by the locals for medical purposes, e.g., the “Wild AL's Bush” is a remedy for Asthma and Flu or the “Chi/Chi Bush” (Old Wood Bush) for stomach problems. On the roadside basalt stone with hardened volcanic bubbles. We descend the pass to a viewpoint at 1.860m to look down to the awesome valley. An exciting journey high over the summit of the Thaba Putswa Range via Makheka’s Pass and across the basalt moorland roof of Southern Africa to Semonkong, “the Place of Smoke”. View stop at 2.260m before we reach the summit of the Makheka’s Pass with 2.860m. Panoramic views to the valley with farmlands. The grassland around is dotted with the yellow flowers of Euryops, the white Arum Lilies, the bright red and yellow colours of the Red-Hot Pokers and plenty of other wildflowers. Basotho ponies will be on standby for those who would prefer to pony trek to Maletsunyane falls along the rugged terrain. The clients will have a chance to hike to the bottom of the waterfall where swimming and Trout fishing can be enjoyed? Lunch at Lodge. After lunch we proceed to view the Maletsunyane Falls-called the Place of Smoke. 

Activities available for own account: 
1.Horse riding to the Maletsunyane Waterfall - 2-hours ride. 
2.Hiking to the Maletsunyane Waterfall - 3 hours. 
3.Mountain Biking to the Maletsunyane Waterfall -2 hours. 
4.After lunch a Donkey ride can be undertaken, visiting Semonkong Village with the local guide - 2-3 hours. 
5.The Guinness book of record abseiling the 204-meter single drop of the Maletsunyane Waterfall, can only be done if doing a 2 Nights/ 3 Days or a 3 Nights / 4 Days stay, this is depending on Arrival and Departure flight times!

The mighty Maletsunyane Falls is one of the highest single drop waterfalls in Africa! Creating a haze of smoke as the water plummets with savage splendour 204 meters down into a spectacular gorge. This is how Semonkong, The Place of Smoke, got its name. Landlocked by South Africa lies a country with the highest lowest point in the world & hiding away in the magnificent Maloti Mountains, you will discover the gem that is Semonkong Lodge, built on the banks of the Maletsunyane River using only local stone & thatch, that offers just the right balance between civilization and rustic elegance, electricity, hot showers, roaring fireplaces, and not a telephone in sight. The fully licensed Duck and Donkey Tavern and Restaurant, provide a popular meeting place for both locals and guests. The restaurant serves world renowned, affordable scrumptious meals and also caters for vegetarians. Experience the wilds of Lesotho at Lodge. World Record Maletsunyane Abseil This is the longest commercially operated single-drop abseil in the world as stated by Guinness World Records. (204m). 
Overnight at Lodge.
Day 3: All meals –own cost! 
After a good breakfast 07h00 at the lodge, departure 08h00.Travel via Moit'supeli, turning left towards Koro-Koro. A scenic drive through bushy landscape, small forests and farmland dotted with picturesque villages. Along the road dense bushes and shrubs used by locals for medical purposes, picturesque mountain landscapes and rural settlements. At the roadside basalt stone with hardened bubbles. Packed lunch provided for. Entering very rural part of Lesotho and a lot of interacting with the local population takes place. Our destination houses a popular activity destination and is situated in secluded woodland surrounded by beautiful countryside. Lunch at Lodge.
After lunch there are various options. Own cost! 1.Hiking to Echo Caves, which has 2 x San Rock Art sites. Duration is 3 hours return! 2.Horse riding to Boitsela Waterfall. Duration is 3 hours! Hiking down to Echo Caves, visiting Basotho rural village and interacting with the local people, along the way! A bit treacherous footing –Please be very Careful, while descending the single track! Horse riding to the Boitsela Waterfall and a 10-to-15-minute walk down to the river basin, to view the waterfall. A 15-minute return to the horses. 
Overnight at Lodge. 

Day 4: All meals-own cost! Depending on departure time! 
Depart Lodge after breakfast, for Maseru airport. The tour will finish off by visiting Morija, named after the biblical Mt. Moriah. Morija has maintained the magic that first attracted the missionaries. It is the only forested village in Lesotho, with every road lined with trees, some of which dating back more than a century. Hidden between the trees is the historic ‘mother church’, as well as the schools, the printing works, the hospital, the museum and other institutions established by the missionaries. Morija Museum & Archives Overview Established in 1956, Morija Museum & Archives collects valuable archival material and museum collections. The museum also works on a range of arts & culture projects, plus, heritage and community-based tourism initiatives. At the heart of Morija Museum & Archives (MMA) are its valuable archival and museum collections, which have been growing incrementally since the 19th century. These collections form the basis for research and publishing, as well as exhibitions and educational programmes for schools, visitors and tourists. Morija Museum was formally established in 1956 based upon the Dieterlen family ethnographic and historical collections together with paleontological and geological collections from the Ellenberger. These two collections provided the main pillars of the present-day Museum collections which have been growing incrementally over the past 50 years. In 2005, for example, a collection of more modern material culture including hundreds of beaded items was bequeathed to the museum by Chris Van Nispen. Other MMA(NGOs) initiatives have made a great impact in the arts and culture, the most notable being Maeder House Art Gallery, the embryonic Morija Arts Centre, the annual Morija Arts & Cultural Festival, and the nation-wide School Cultural Competitions. The Museum has helped to develop and encourage a wider range of tourism services and products in the greater Morija area, including the Museum Tea Room, Picnic Area and Amphitheatre for larger events; tours of historic Morija and dinosaur footprints, walking trails, birdwatching and pony-trekking; as well as guest houses, conference center, homestays, village experiences, cultural activities, catering services, and art/craft production. A non-profit cultural & educational institution belonging to Lesotho Evangelical Church, Morija Museum & Archives is dedicated to developing programmes and activities related to history, heritage and community-based tourism, the arts and culture, as well as science and the environment.  
                                                                             END OF TOUR! 
                              If the number of clients decreases, the costing will be adjusted accordingly! 
  Passports Essential Please advise your Nationality, as Lesotho has Visas restrictions on certain countries. 

 General Information-
Every guest on tour is entering a rural and unspoiled African terrain. Therefore, it is necessary to travel with a tolerant and flexible mind. Accommodations, bathroom facilities and meals are at most places very basic, simple and rustic. Most lunch stops based on packed lunches or picnic meals. There are no toilet facilities on route or very seldom. We reserve the right to alter any routes or itineraries should circumstances, like weather, road conditions, unforeseen obstacles, etc. so demand. Some accommodations use generators for the supply of electricity, which switches off at 22:00, and gas geysers for hot water supply. 
This is True, unspoilt Africa –at its Best!

TOUR -3                                                    Lesotho Overland Tour: 4 nights / 5 days 

Day 1: Lunch & Dinner-own cost! 
Departure in the morning from Underberg. Stop at the Good Hope Trading Store, originated in 1917 by John White-Smith. Ascending the legendary Sani Pass with its hair- pin bends offering unparalleled vistas of the Sani Valley and Drakensberg Escarpment situated within the Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park, one of our World Heritage Sites. Proteas along the road, proceed to viewing of 12 Apostles. These geological structures are one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world. Our Guide is taking care of the border formalities. At the summit at 2.874m we stop for refreshment at the Sani Top Chalet, the Highest Pub in Africa. Thereafter we proceed to the village and the Basotho culture will be explained. Ascending the Black Mountain Pass up to 3.280m, following the Senqu River. Nearby the highest mountain in Southern Africa, Thabana Ntlenyana with 3.482m, meaning “the little mountain which is a little nice”. Guided tour at the Lets'eng Diamond Mine, the highest mine in the world (3.250m). Our journey takes us on tar road onto the summit of the highest road in Africa, the Tlaeeng Pass (3.255m) – The Roof of Africa. Slightly lower is the Pass of Guns with 3.240m, pass the Mahlasela Ski Slope to Oxbow within a Ski Resort. All mountains are covered in snow in winter. Dinner at the lodge. 
Overnight at Lodge.

Day 2: Breakfast, Included and Lunch & Dinner -own cost!
Departing for the twisting tar road to the summit of the Moteng Pass, with 2.840m one of the highest roads attained by normal two-wheel-drive vehicles in Southern Africa. This is the basalt roof of Southern Africa, a world of winter snows, frozen waterfalls, crisp clear air and crystal streams with fat trout. Descending into the Holola Valley (River of the Blue Crane), pass spectacular sandstone overhangs and rugged countryside to Botha-Bothe. This little town was named after King Moshoeshoe old mountain stronghold, Botha-Bothe (the Gatherer). On our way to Hlotse, strange richly coloured rock shapes may be seen on all sides, creating the effect of a vast assembly of weird, petrified figures. Pass a few missions and several rock shelters where Bushmen Paintings may be seen, the main road passes the Leribe Farmers Training Center to the town of Hlotse. It is the administration center of the Leribe district and originated in 1876 when a Mission outpost was established here. Lunch at Nature Reserve. Continue on the Nelson Mandela Road, crossing the Malibamat'so River (River of dark Pools) where the great Katse Dam has been constructed from 1991-1997. Our Guide is taking care of the security checkpoint. Dinner at the lodge. 
Overnight at Lodge. 

Day 3: Breakfast -Included, Lunch & Dinner -own cost!
After breakfast at the lodge, do a Guided Tour into the dam wall. The Katse Dam is the second largest dam in the world and supplies water to Witwatersrand (Gauteng, Soweto), Farming, Mining in South Africa and irrigates the lowlands in Lesotho. Lunch at the lodge. In the afternoon visit of the Botanical Garden nearby and time of leisure. Dinner at the restaurant. 
Overnight at Dam Lodge. 

Day 4: Breakfast-Included, Lunch & Dinner -own cost!
After breakfast at the lodge, departure on dirt road towards Thaba Tseka. Watch the majestic Cape Vultures in flight and beautiful butterflies in summertime. Thaba Tseka, meaning “the mountain with a blaze”, houses a stud farm for breeding Basotho Ponies and a tree nursery. Cross the Koma-Koma Bridge, which is flooded when the sluice gates of Katse Dam are opened. Refreshment break at the shebeen (pub) at Taung village. We pass an old Trading Store, today the Molumong Guest house and the St. James Mission. Rocky Mountains and hills with patches of maize fields where Basotho’s work on their land with loving care. 
Overnight at Hotel.

Day 5: Breakfast -Included!
After a good breakfast, viewing of Cairns within the mountains for the shepherds to protect their sheep and cattle from wild animals. Steep gorges and valleys, dotted with little Basotho huts. Ascend the Black Mountain Pass up to 3.280m, Awesome view of the Hodgon’s Peaks and the Giants Cup. The rest of the afternoon is at leisure.
Our guide will take care of the border formalities. Descending the Sani Pass beneath towering cliffs, buttresses, past waterfalls and unique flora and bird life. Following the Mkomazana River back to Underberg. Arrival at approximately lunch time and will change the vehicle and you’ll be transferred to Durban. 

                                                                                        End of Tour!                                    
                                                                           Valid passports essential!! 

TOUR - 4                                                  Lesotho Overland Tour: 5 Nights / 6 Days 

Day 0: All meals-own cost! 
Pickup at Durban airport and be transferred to lodge. 
Overnight at lodge. 

Day 1: All meals-own cost! 
Departure 08h00 from our office and travel to the World Heritage Site. Ascending the legendary Sani Pass with its hair- pin bends offering unparalleled vistas of the Sani Valley and Drakensberg Escarpment situated within the Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park, one of our World Heritage Sites. Proteas along the road, proceed to viewing of 12 Apostles. These geological structures are one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world. Our Guide is taking care of the border formalities. At the summit at 2.874m we stop for refreshment at the Lodge, the New Highest Pub in Africa. Thereafter we proceed to the village and the Basotho culture will be explained. Ascending the Black Mountain Pass up to 3.280m, following the Senqu River. Nearby the highest mountain in Southern Africa, Thabana Ntlenyana with 3.482m, meaning “the little mountain which is a little nice”. Picnic lunch on route. Our guide will explain about the Lets'eng Diamond Mine while passing, if they allow us in, we will do the tour of the mine. It is the highest mine in the world (3.250m). Our journey takes us on tar road onto the summit of the highest road in Africa, the Tlaeeng Pass (3.255m) – The Roof of Africa. Slightly lower is the Pass of Guns with 3.240m, pass the Mahlasela Ski Slope to lodge , within a Ski Resort. All mountains are covered in snow in winter. Dinner at the lodge. 
Overnight at Lodge.

Day 2: Breakfast –Included. 
Departing at 08h00 from lodge after breakfast for the twisting tar road to the summit of the Moteng Pass, with 2.840m one of the highest roads attained by normal two-wheel-drive vehicles in Southern Africa. This is the basalt roof of Southern Africa, a world of winter snows, frozen waterfalls, crisp clear air and crystal streams with fat trout. Descending into the Holola Valley (River of the Blue Crane), pass spectacular sandstone overhangs and rugged countryside to Botha-Bothe. This little town was named after King Moshoeshoe old mountain stronghold, Botha-Bothe, the Gatherer. On our way to Hlotse strange, richly coloured rock shapes may be seen on all sides, creating the effect of a vast assembly of weird, petrified figures. Pass few missions and several rock shelters, the main road passes the Leribe Farmers Training Center to the town of Hlotse. It is the administration center of the Leribe district and originated in 1876 when a Mission outpost was established here. Visit the Craft Centre, in Leribe(Hlotse), Continue on the Nelson Mandela Road, crossing the Malibamat'so River (River of dark Pools) where the great Katse Dam has been constructed from 1991 1997. Our guide is taking care of the security checkpoint. The Katse Dam is the one of the largest dams in the world and supplies water to Witwatersrand (Gauteng, Soweto), Farming, Mining in South Africa and irrigates the lowlands arrival at Katse Dam, check in and have afternoon at leisure. 
Overnight at Lodge.

Day 3: Breakfast –Included. 
After a good breakfast guided tour of the dam, then we depart for Mohale Dam. Via Thaba Tseka, very scenic route, mountain passes, Makhoabong and Cheche Pass. Our guide will take care of the security check point entering the dam area. The Mohale Dam was constructed from 1998 – 2003 in a joint venture of Germany, Italy and South Africa. Lunch at Lodge. Afternoon at leisure and exploring the spectacular dam area. Dinner at the lodge. 
Overnight: Lodge.

Day 4: Breakfast –Included. 
Breakfast at the lodge, then depart, we are going to double back the route, all the way to lodge. We get ready for an exciting journey high over the summit of the Thaba Putswa Range via Makheka’s Pass and across the basalt moorland of Southern Africa. Basalt stone with hardened volcanic bubbles. Ascend the pass to a viewpoint at 1.860m to look down to the awesome valley. Lunch at lodge or packed lunch depending on stops along the way, after lunch we will do some activities at lodge, like village walk and Garden Project, Bushman Painting Pony Trekking, Gorge Trekking or walk-own cost! Dinner at the Lodge. 
Overnight: Lodge. 

Day 5: All meals-own cost! 
After breakfast we proceed ascending the Blue Mountain Pass to 2.620m, named after the 2.900m high Thaba Putswa (Blue Mountain), which dominates the range in the north. On tar road we drive past mountains of white sandstone to Roma. The city is the principal center of the Roman Catholic Church in Lesotho and since 1964 the site of the National University of Lesotho. Roma was found in 1862 when King Moshoeshoe granted the site to Bishop Allard and Father Gerard to Semonkong known as ‘The Place of Smoke’. The place boasts the spectacular Maletsunyane Falls which thunder from a height of 204m, as one of the highest /longest single drop waterfalls in Africa. The journey will explore through the rugged mountains of Lesotho with experienced guides via Roma. A scenic drive through bushy landscape, small forests and farmland dotted with picturesque villages. Along the road dense bushes and shrubs used by the locals for medical purposes, e.g., the “Wild AL's Bush” is a remedy for Asthma and Flu or the “Chi/Chi Bush” (Old Wood Bush) for stomach problems. On the roadside basalt stone with hardened volcanic bubbles. We descend the pass to a viewpoint at 1.860m to look down to the awesome valley. An exciting journey high over the summit of the Thaba Putswa Range via Makheka’s Pass and across the basalt moorland roof of Southern Africa to Semonkong, “the Place of Smoke”. View stop at 2.260m before we reach the summit of the Makheka’s Pass with 2.860m. Panoramic views to the valley with farmlands. The grassland around is dotted with the yellow flowers of Euryops, the white Arum Lilies, the bright red and yellow colours of the Red-Hot Pokers and plenty of other wildflowers. Basotho ponies will be on standby for those who would prefer to pony trek to Maletsunyane falls along the rugged terrain. The group will have a chance to hike to the bottom of the waterfall where swimming and Trout fishing can be enjoyed? Highlights of Semonkong(some require added day)! Fishing Pony-trekking (optional) Swimming Bushman Rock Art site visits. Abseiling (optional) Leisure rides back to the village to interact with locals Visit the University. Proceed to visit the spectacular Maletsunyane Falls. The longest single drop waterfall in Southern Africa (204m), packed lunch on route. 
Overnight: Lodge.

Day 6: Breakfast -Included 
Depart lodge after breakfast and travelling alongside the Senqu/Orange River. The Gariep Dam, near Colesburg , is the main storage structure within the Orange River. From here the water is supplied in two directions, namely westward along the Orange River (via hydro-electric power generators) to the Vanderkloof Dam, and southward through the Orange-Fish Tunnel to the Eastern Cape. The total Orange-Senqu River basin extends over four countries, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, and South Africa, and covers an area of 1 000 000 km². 64.2% (642 000 km²) of the basin falls within South Africa, 24.5% (245 000 km²) in Namibia, 7.9% (79 000 km²) in Botswana and 3.4% (34 000 km²) in Lesotho. The basin incorporates the central part of South Africa, which represents nearly half of the surface area of the RSA, the whole of Lesotho (where the main river is known as the Senqu), reaches to the southern part of Botswana, and drains most of the southern half of Namibia. In 1867, the first diamond discovered in South Africa, the Eureka Diamond, was found near Hopetown on the Orange River/Senqu River. Two years later, a much larger diamond known as the Star of South Africa was found in the same area, causing a diamond rush. This was soon eclipsed by the diamond rush to mine diamonds directly from kimberlite at Kimberley in 1871, although alluvial diamonds continued to be found in the Orange. Today, several commercial diamond mines operate on the last stretch of the river, as well as the beaches around its mouth. Diamond mines also operate on the middle stretch of the river. Travelling through rural Lesotho villages, before turning right and crossing over the Orange/Senqu River. The Orange River, South Africa's major river, rises in the Drakensberg in Lesotho, where it is known as the Senqu. From where the river leaves Lesotho, it flows westward for some 2200km to where it finally flows into the Atlantic Ocean at Alexander Bay. At 2.080m stop at “Christ the King” viewpoint with a beautiful view into the valley below and mountains around. Cross over the Orange River (Senqu River) river. An exciting journey high over the summit of the Thaba Putswa Range via Makheka’s Pass and across the basalt moorland roof of Southern Africa to Semonkong, “the Place of Smoke”. Lunch at Semonkong Lodge. After lunch viewing of the spectacular Maletsunyane Waterfall. Maletsunyane Falls, is a single cataract on a tributary of the Orange River in Lesotho, 75 miles (121 km). Exit Lesotho and enjoy travelling through picturesque farmlands of East Griqualand with traditional decorated huts along the route. A scenic drive through bushy landscape, small forests and farmland dotted with picturesque villages. Passing through Matatiele in the Eastern Cape, bordering on Kwa Zulu Natal before entering Lesotho via Qacha's Nek border post. Qacha's Nek is a district of Lesotho. Qacha's Nek is the capital or Camptown, and only town in the district. In the south, Qacha's Nek borders on the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and it has a short border with KwaZulu-Natal Province in the Far East. Domestically, it borders on Quthing District in southwest, Mohale's Hoek District in west and Thaba-Tseka District in the northern direction. Arrival Underberg/Himeville ,late afternoon. 
Overnight at Country lodge.
Day 7: All meals-own cost! 
After breakfast, be transferred to Durban airport! 
                                                                                       End of Tour! 

TOUR - 5                                                Lesotho Overland Tour: 6 nights / 7 days 

Day 1: All meals-own cost! (Depending on arrival times)! 
Pick up client at Maseru airport 08H10, lunch on route visit depart for Ha Kome Caves situated near Teya-Teyaneng . At Ha Kome there is a remarkable village where cave dwellings have been carved out under towering rocks. The families still living there today are descendants of the original people who “built” the caves in the 19th century and the site is now a National Heritage Site. The people living there now still live much as their forefathers did almost two centuries ago and those who have occupied the caves over the years have left a rich cultural history. Gruesomely, this area was once home to cannibals and past generations of Basotho fled to the caves to hide from them. Parking at the top of the hill allows you to walk for about 20 minutes to reach the Ha Kome visitors Centre where we will be given a guided tour of the caves and told something of the history and culture of the people. Proceed to Thaba Bosiu ,lunch on arrival. After lunch a guide will take us on tour and explain the history of the 1st Chief Moshoeshoe and how he was able to conquer the Zulu King Shaka's warriors. Well then be taken to a demonstration village and from a distance see the famous mountain-Thaba Bosiu. Have their own restaurant! 
Overnight: Guest Lodge. 

Day 2: All meals-own cost! 
Depart after breakfast and visit to “The Hat”, the new erected Tourism Bureau in the city center might be worthwhile! Local arts and crafts are sold and viewing of ladies weaving tapestries. If you'd like you could also visit the local post office and purchase Lesotho stamps! Visit of the Morija Museum with its collection of Bushmen Art, Dinosaurs Footprints, Books, Clay Pots, Fossils, old tools used by various tribes and explanations. The Moeder Craft Center is housed in the oldest building in Morija, 1843, where one may purchase a variety of tapestry, Mohair shoals, souvenirs, etc. Lunch can be at the local Morija restaurant, which is sponsored by the Queen and Pizza for lunch! With a little luck we can have a glimpse of the King at his Royal Residence. Travel on tar road to explore the awesome countryside of Lesotho. The main building is an old Trading Store and provides a homely, relaxed atmosphere within a beautiful surrounding. Enjoy horse riding or walks in the afternoon (optional extras – own expenses). Dinner at the lodge, either in the restaurant or at the veranda – African tranquillity at its best. 
Overnight: Lodge. 

Day 3: All meals and activities-own cost! 
Breakfast at the lodge. Today is filled with activities at own expense if applicable. • Village Walks • Pony Treks to Botsoela waterfall (round trip 3 hours) • Bushmen Paintings (3 hours round trip) • Hikes • Soil Erosion • Scenic Day Drives • Sangoma (traditional healer & fortune teller). 
Overnight: Lodge. 

Day 4: All meals-own cost! 
After breakfast at the lodge, we travel north on dirt road in good condition. A scenic drive through bushy landscape, small forests and farmland dotted with picturesque villages. On the roadside basalt stone with hardened volcanic bubbles. We descend the pass to a viewpoint at 1.860m to look down to the awesome valley. Picnic lunch on route. Our exciting journey takes us high over the summit of the Thaba Putswa Range via Makheka’s Pass and across the moorland roof of Southern Africa. View stop at 2.260m before we reach the summit with 2.860m. In the afternoon visit the spectacular Maletsunyane Falls. The longest single drop waterfall in Southern Africa (204m). 
Overnight: Lodge. 

Day 5: All meals and activities-own cost! 
Breakfast on the veranda or in the restaurant at the lodge, you have an option of hiking or pony trekking to view the Maletsunyane waterfall. We have to double-back the route from yesterday to Moit'supeli. Thereafter we travel on tar road to Roma. We climb steadily to the top of the Nkesi’s Pass (2.010m), from where a superb view of the 3.096m Thaba Putswa Range can be seen. Traditional lunch at local restaurant. Just before Roma the road loses altitude, and we drive through spectacular white sandstone rocks and valleys. The city of Roma is the principal center of the Roman Catholic Church in Lesotho and since 1964 the site of the National University of Lesotho. Our Guides will take care of the security check point entering the dam area. The Mohale Dam was constructed from 1998 – 2003 in a joint venture of Germany, Italy and South Africa. Photo stops at the dam area. Dinner at the lodge. 
Overnight: Lodge. 

Day 6: All meals-own cost! 
Breakfast at the lodge. Today our journey takes us down into the valley, but the windy road climbs again to an altitude of 2.620m, the Blue Mountain Pass. Leaving the dam area our Guides will check out at the security post. The long, curving road leads us into the valley of the Senqunyane River, also known as the Little Orange River. Driving higher up the mountains with its dark basalt stone, covered in snow in winter. Picnic lunch on route. Follow the road into the Highlands of Lesotho with awesome views, lonely herd-boys and at an altitude of 2.900m Mountain Reedbuck find their way on the steep slopes. Refreshment at a local shebeen (pub) before we proceed for the last few kilometres to our destination. We enter the area of the second largest dam in the world – the Katse Dam. It has been constructed from 1991 – 1997 and supplies water to Witwatersrand (Gauteng, Soweto, Farming, Mining) in South Africa and irrigates the lowlands in Lesotho. Dinner at the lodge. 
Overnight: Lodge. 

Day 7: All meals-own cost! 
After breakfast a presentation will be done and a guided tour into the dam wall. Continue on the Nelson Mandela Road to the town of Hlotse. This is the administration center of the Leribe district and originated in 1876 when a mission outpost was established here. The main road passes the Leribe Farmers Training Center and a few missions. Picnic lunch on route. On our way to Botha-Bothe strange, richly coloured rock shapes may be seen on all sides, creating the effect of a vast assembly of weird, petrified figures. The little town of Botha-Buthe was named after King Moshoeshoe old mountain stronghold. Travel on the twisting tar road to the summit of the Moteng Pass, with 2.840m one of the highest roads attained by normal two-wheel-drive vehicles in Southern Africa. This is the basalt roof of Southern Africa, a world of winter snow, frozen waterfalls, crisp clear air and crystal streams with fat trout. 
Travel back to Maseru airport, arrival by 15H30 and departure flight for 16H30. 
Overnight: Lodge or transfer to Maseru airport late afternoon! (Added extra day cost)!
                                                                                     End OF Tour! 

TOUR - 6                                            Lesotho Overland Tour: 9 nights / 10 days 

Day 1: All meals-own cost!
Pick up from Durban Airport or Hotel and drop off at Lodge, in Himeville. 
Overnight: Lodge, 

Day 2: Breakfast - included! 
Departure at 08h30 from Lodge in Himeville, and travel to the World Heritage Site. Ascending the legendary Sani Pass with its hair- pin bends offering unparalleled vistas of the Sani Valley and Drakensberg Escarpment situated within the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park, one of our World Heritage Sites. Proteas along the road, proceed to viewing of 12 Apostles. These geological structures are one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world. Our Guide is taking care of the border formalities. At the summit at 2.874m we stop for refreshment at the Sani Top Chalet, the Highest Pub in Africa. Thereafter we proceed to the village and the Basotho culture will be explained. Ascending the Black Mountain Pass up to 3.280m, following the Senqu River. Nearby the highest mountain in Southern Africa, Thabana Ntlenyana with 3.482m, meaning “the little mountain which is a little nice”. lunch on route. Our guide will explain about the Lets'eng Diamond Mine while passing, it is the highest mine in the world (3.250m). Our journey takes us on tar road onto the summit of the highest road in Africa, the Tlaeeng Pass (3.255m). The Roof of Africa. Slightly lower is the Pass of Guns with 3.240m, pass the Mahlasela Ski Slope. All mountains are covered in snow in winter. Dinner at Lodge. 
Overnight: Lodge. 

Day 3: Breakfast - included! 
After breakfast we will continue our journey and proceed on the twisting tar road to the summit of the Moteng Pass, with 2.840m one of the highest roads attained by normal two-wheel-drive vehicles in Southern Africa. This is the basalt roof of Southern Africa, a world of winter snows, frozen waterfalls, crisp clear air and crystal streams with fat trout. Descending into the Holola Valley (River of the Blue Crane), pass spectacular sandstone overhangs and rugged countryside to Botha-Bothe. This little town was named after King Moshoeshoe old mountain stronghold, Botha-Bothe, the Gatherer. and visit Liphofung caves to view San Rock Art Paintings, on our way to Hlotse strange, richly coloured rock shapes may be seen on all sides, creating the effect of a vast assembly of weird, petrified figures. Pass few missions and several rock shelters; the main road passes the Leribe Farmers Training Center to the town of Hlotse. It is the administration center of the Leribe district and originated in 1876 when a Mission outpost was established here. Picnic lunch on route. Continue on the Nelson Mandela Road, crossing the Malibamat'so River (River of dark Pools) where the great Katse Dam has been constructed from 1991 1997. Our Guide is taking care of the security checkpoint. The Katse Dam is the one of the largest dams in the world and supplies water to Witwatersrand (Gauteng, Soweto), Farming, Mining in South Africa and irrigates the lowlands in Lesotho. Guided tour into the dam wall. Dinner at the lodge. 
Overnight: Lodge. 

Day 4: Breakfast - included! 
After a good breakfast guided tour of the Katse Dam, then we depart for Mohale Dam and climb steeply to the summit of the Tshetshe Pass, 2.560m, the road crosses the Senqunyane River, also known as the Little Orange River, is one of the principal upper tributaries of the Orange River. Travel via Thaba Tseka, very scenic route, mountain passes, Makhoabong and Cheche Pass. Our guide will take care of the security check point entering the dam area. The Mohale Dam was constructed from 1998 – 2003 in a joint venture of Germany, Italy and South Africa. Lunch at Mohale Dam. Afternoon at leisure and exploring the spectacular dam area. Dinner at the lodge. 
Overnight: Lodge. 

Day 5: Breakfast - included! 
Depart the Dam, after breakfast and if the boat is operational, do the cruise on the Mohale dam-own cost! Travel via Blue Mountain, God Help Me and Bushman's Passes, these 3x passes are averaging on 2100 meters. Descend the Bushman's pass into commercialized farming areas towards Mazenod. Lunch at Guest House and afternoon at leisure. 
Overnight: Guest House. 

Day 6: Breakfast - included! 
After a hearty breakfast, depart for Ha Kome Caves situated near Teya-Teyaneng .At Ha Kome there is a remarkable village where cave dwellings have been carved out under towering rocks. The families still living there today are descendants of the original people who “built” the caves in the 19th century and the site is now a National Heritage Site. The people living there now still live much as their forefathers did almost two centuries ago and those who have occupied the caves over the years have left a rich cultural history. Gruesomely, this area was once home to cannibals and past generations of Basotho fled to the caves to hide from them. Parking at the top of the hill allows you to walk for about 20 minutes to reach the Ha Kome visitors Centre where we will be given a guided tour of the caves and told something of the history and culture of the people. Proceed to Thaba Bosiu ,lunch on arrival. After lunch a guide will take us on tour and explain the history of the 1st Chief Moshoeshoe and how he was able to conquer the Zulu King Shaka's warriors. Well then be taken to a demonstration village and from a distance see the famous mountain-Thaba Bosiu.
Overnight: Guest House. 

Day 7: Breakfast - included! 
After breakfast, we travel on tar road to Roma and we climb steadily to the top of the Nkesi’s Pass (2.010m), from where a superb view of the 3.096m, Thaba Putswa Range can be seen. Just before Roma. The road loses altitude, and we drive through spectacular white sandstone rocks and valleys. Nearby the Thaba Telle mountain (2.530m), which is climbed by mountaineers, and it is told it is not an easy one. The city of Roma is the principal center of the Roman Catholic Church in Lesotho and since 1964 the site of the National University of Lesotho. Roma was founded in 1862 when King Moshoeshoe granted the site to Bishop Allard and Father Gerard. The mighty Maletsunyane Falls is one of the highest single drop Falls in Africa- 204 m, creating a haze of smoke as the water plummets with savage splendour 186m down into a spectacular gorge. This is how Semonkong, The Place of Smoke, got its name. Landlocked by South Africa lies a country with the highest lowest point in the world & hiding away in the magnificent Maloti Mountains, you will discover the gem that is Semonkong Lodge, built on the banks of the Maletsunyane River using only local stone & thatch, that offers just the right balance between civilization and rustic elegance, electricity, hot showers, roaring fireplaces, and not a telephone in sight. The fully licensed Duck and Donkey Tavern and Restaurant, provide a popular meeting place for both locals and guests. Lunch at Semonkong. From the veranda guests have the opportunity to view the “Bald Ibis” (Nat. Bird of Lesotho) and their breeding site in the afternoon? May be horse riding! Semonkong means the place of smoke. Options after lunch are either a pony trek or a hike to view the Maletsunyane waterfall-own cost! 
Overnight: Lodge.

Day 8: Breakfast - included! 
After breakfast at the lodge, we double back the route, Baboon Pass. A scenic drive through bushy landscape, small forests and farmland dotted with picturesque villages. Along the road dense bushes and shrubs used by the locals for medical purposes, e.g., the “Wild Old Wood Bush” is a remedy for Asthma and Flu or the “Chi/Chi Bush” (Old Wood Bush) for stomach problems. Along the road dense bushes and shrubs used by locals for medical purposes. At the roadside basalt stone with hardened bubbles. Our destination houses a popular Pony Trekking Center and is situated in secluded woodland surrounded by beautiful countryside. Dinner at the lodge. 
Overnight: Lodge.

Day 9: Breakfast - included!
Full Day – Botsoela-Waterfall and Echo Caves-Rock Art Tour! Departure after breakfast at 08H30 and arrival back for lunch at +-13H30.Please don’t forget to order your lunch at the Kitchen, before departure! Panoramic views to the Gates to Paradise valley with farmlands, grassland around is dotted with the yellow flowers of Euryops, the white Arum Lilies, the bright red and yellow colours of the Red-Hot Pokers and plenty of other wildflowers. The hike or pony trek takes us to Botsoela Waterfall is a walk down takes 10 minutes and return 15 minutes' walk back up the single track. If we are lucky a small group of boys will be playing and dancing with their home-made musical instrument, which echoes off the Botsoela Falls cliff face. There’s basically only one section you might need help with! After viewing of the Botsoela Falls we return to lodge for lunch or take a packed lunch and proceed to Echo Caves. The ascending road pass becomes very rugged before the summit. We drive to the viewpoint overlooking the Gates to Paradise valley from East to West! We take a leisurely hike or pony trek through rural farmlands and scenic villages along the way! Afterwards, we will stop at a village perched overlooking the Makhaleng River Valley. From here well descend via a single bridle track/pathway at a +-35-degree gradient towards the Makhaleng river basin! Our guide will lead the way and give explanations along the way, about the area we are about to enter! Please be careful of the footing, as it becomes very treacherous at various points! The 2 x caves are called-Tohlang place 1 and 2 and the whole area is called-Lehaha Le Eabuoy Ego Caves-which means, the caves of Echoes! The San Rock Art painted onto the walls of bare rock, are the best descriptions, I’ve not seen preserved in a very long time! Once reaching these caves our guide will give a descriptive history of the San People and their nomadic history throughout Lesotho. The description of the paintings will be described, and each illustration will be discussed in detail! The ascending back to the plateau will be uphill all the way and stops will be made for photographs and a rest stop. 
Overnight:  Lodge. 

Day 10: Breakfast - included! 
Depart after breakfast and viewing of Morija Museum and the Kings Palace –strictly no photographs allowed! Established in 1956, Morija Museum & Archives collects valuable archival material and museum collections. The museum also works on a range of arts & culture projects, plus, heritage and community-based tourism initiatives. At the heart of Morija Museum & Archives (MMA) are its valuable archival and museum collections, which have been growing incrementally since the 19th century. These collections form the basis for research and publishing, as well as exhibitions and educational programmes for schools, visitors and tourists. Morija Museum was formally established in 1956 based upon the Dieterlen family ethnographic and historical collections together with paleontological and geological collections from the Ellenberger. These two collections provided the main pillars of the present-day Museum collections which have been growing incrementally over the past 50 years. In 2005, for example, a collection of more modern material culture including hundreds of beaded items was bequeathed to the museum by Chris Van Nispen. Other MMA(NGOs) initiatives have made a great impact in the arts and culture, the most notable being Maeder House Art Gallery, the embryonic Morija Arts Centre, the annual Morija Arts & Cultural Festival, and the nation-wide School Cultural Competitions. The Museum has helped to develop and encourage a wider range of tourism services and products in the greater Morija area, including the Museum Tea Room, lunch stop home-made pizza baked in original pizza oven. 
Arrival at Maseru airport 14H30 for your flight at 16H30. (Depending on departure flight!) .

                                                                                            End of Tour! 