Adventure Tours and Activities in the Lesotho high altitudes of the Maluti mountains and the Kingdom of Lesotho , is a definite must do! Mountain biking tours-Horse Riding Trails-Pony Trekking Tours and Hiking Tours/Trekking Tours. Slack Packing Tours. 4x4 adventure Tour packages in Lesotho

Welcome to the Kingdom in the Sky-Lesotho!

Thaba Tours has 210 itineraries to choose from and been in operation for 23 years!

                                AFRICAS BEST KEPT SECRET-LESOTHO!

Mountain Biking in the High Altitude of the Maluti Mountains in Lesotho ,has a tremendous amount of Pay Backs and Incredible vistas of Basalt and Sandstone Rock Formations.
Traversing in the Rural Outback, where only Shepard's ,Donkeys and Sheep roam ,head out on the Single Tracks and Gravel roads ,with your Mountain Bike and E-Bikes.
                         If you want the extreme- We Go Further ! 

Tours 1of 11, is below - Tailor-Made Tours are our Speciality!

TOUR -1 
                                                           Hiking-Half Day! 
                                                       3 Hours Hike - Botsoela-Waterfall Tour! 

Pickup at Maseru airport and be transferred to lodge, in a 4x4 vehicle. Panoramic views to the Gates to Paradise (2001 meters) valley with farmlands, grassland around is dotted with the yellow flowers of Euryops, the white Arum Lilies, the bright red and yellow colours of the Red-Hot Pokers and plenty of other wildflowers. The walk in some place has very loose rocks and good walking shoes or hiking boots are required on the way down takes 10 minutes and return 15 minutes of walk back up the single track. If we are lucky a small group of boys will be playing and dancing with their home-made musical instrument, which echoes off the Botsoela Falls cliff face. There’s basically only one section you might need help with! After viewing of the Botsoela Falls we return to the 4x4 vehicle, the ascending road pass becomes very rugged before the summit. We drive to the viewpoint overlooking the Gates to Paradise valley from East to West! Lunch at Lodge and be transferred back to the Maseru airport. 

                                                                                                End Of Tour! 

TOUR -2                                                  Full Days –Activities! Pony Trekking or Hiking!  
                                               Half Day –  Botsoela-Waterfall and Half Day- Echo Caves-Rock Art Tour! 
Departure after breakfast at 08H30 from Maseru airport or lodge be transferred to. Panoramic views to the Gates to Paradise valley with farmlands, grassland around is dotted with the yellow flowers of Euryops, the white Arum Lilies, the bright red and yellow colours of the Red-Hot Pokers and plenty of other wildflowers. The walk down takes 10 minutes and return 15 minutes of walk back up the single track. If we are lucky a small group of boys will be playing and dancing with their home-made musical instrument, which echoes off the Botsoela Falls cliff face. There’s basically only one section you might need help with! After viewing of the Botsoela Falls we return to the plateau, the ascending road pass becomes very rugged before the summit. We drive to the viewpoint overlooking the Gates to Paradise valley from East to West! San Rock Art Hike-2.5 Hours. Echo Caves 1 & 2 We take a leisurely walk-through rural farmlands and scenic villages along the way! After +-30 minutes of walking, a stop at a village perched overlooking the Makhaleng River Valley. From here well descend via a single bridle track/pathway at a +-35-degree gradient towards the Makhaleng river basin! Our guide will lead the way and give explanations along the way, about the area we are about to enter! Please be careful of the footing, as it becomes very treacherous at various points! The 2 x caves are called-Tohlang place 1 and 2 and the whole area is called-Lehaha Le Eabuoy Ego Caves-which means, the caves of Echoes! The San Rock Art painted onto the walls of bare rock, are the best descriptions, I’ve not seen preserved in a very long time! Once reaching these caves our guide will give a descriptive history of the San People and their nomadic history throughout Lesotho. The description of the paintings will be described, and each illustration will be discussed in detail! The ascent back will be uphill all the way and stops will be made for photographs and a rest stop. We have a choice of either returning back to Malealea Lodge for lunch or taking a packed lunch! 
Return back to lodge. 
                                                                                       End Of Tour! 

TOUR - 3                 Northern Drakensberg-Tugela Falls via The Chain Ladders - 2 Nights / 3 Days

Grade: Moderate to Difficult
Duration: 1 or 2 days
Total distance covered: ±12.2km
Total height gain: ±440m

(All distances should only be used as a guideline and a detailed route description will be supplied on confirmation of booking.) What makes this special: This is without a doubt one of the greatest trails in the world where you will be able to get close to the second highest waterfall in the world.  
Route: Although this is by far one of the easiest routes to take to get on top of the escarpment, you should still be well prepared for severe mountain weather. It is known that storms can arrive without warning at any time of the year, and it is not unknown to get snow in winter. Be well prepared with a warm jacket and rain wear even if it’s just a day outing. The Chain Ladders could be the most challenging part of the whole walk and anyone with a fear of heights should use the Gully as an alternative route.  

Day 1: All meals-own cost! 
Options are to be transferred from Durban /King Shaka airport, up to the Northern Drakensberg + - 3hours!
Overnight: at Guest Lodge.    

Day 2: All meals-own cost! 
This walk is a popular overnight trip as well and a tent will be needed if you choose to sleep over. Sleeping over will allow you to experience most probably one of the best sunrises in South Africa.
The path starts at the Witsieshoek Car Park and follows the contour path towards the Witches and then swings towards the zigzags. The path has been upgraded with paving stones to help curb erosion, so stay on the path and don’t take short cuts as this leads to erosion. The path will lead up to the base of the Sentinel and veering to the right it gently climbs on a contour path following the base of the basalt cliffs towering over you. 
Overnight: Camping.    

Day 3: All meals-own cost! 
Tugela Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world-the combined total drop of its five distinct free-leaping falls is officially 983 m (3,225 ft). Soon you will reach the Chain Ladders which is actually 4 ladders in total, that will lead you to the top of the escarpment. The first ladders were commissioned in 1930 by Otto Zunckel and later a second set was installed next to the old ones to help speed up the process of going up and down. For those with a fear of heights there is a path up the Sentinel Gully that will bypass the ladders and take you to the top without adding too much extra to your walk. The path will lead you to the top of the falls where you can find a number of vantage points to view the water tumbling down 614m into the basalt abyss below. Take care on a windy day as the wind can be very strong on this exposed plateau. Arrival back at lunch time, lunch and depart immediately for Durban airport!  
                                                                                      END OF TOUR! 

             Or spend the afternoon at leisure and depart on the 4th Day, for Durban? (Additional cost)!    
Included: Park & overnight fees, Durban airport transfers and return, rescue levy, first aid kit and Professional Guide.
Excluded: All meals and snacks, stove & pots, tents, sleeping bag, backpack, personal gear and equipment, personal medication, mineral waters and footwear.
Gear Hire is available- additional cost.
Porters can be included at an additional cost. 

TOUR - 4                                                             Lesotho Overland- 3 Nights / 4 Days
                                                                     Abseiling- Guinness World Records. (204m).!! 

Day 1: Meals-own cost! (depending on flight arrival). Abseiling is your -own cost!
Departure from Maseru airport and visit Thaba Bosiu – Moshoeshoe’s strong hold, that was never taken, this is a very important historical site. On top of the flat –topped hill are remains of the kings' dwellings with 230 royal graves. The Basotho guide will lead us and give all the explanations, people should be prepared to walk. The Thaba Bosiu village is not finished yet, but people could view it as well. Lunch at restaurant. After lunch depart via 4x4 dirt road to Kome Caves. Where a local Basotho guide will lead us down to the Cave Dwellings and tell us the history of the people, that reside there! 
Overnight: at Lodge. 

Day 2: All meals-own cost! 
After breakfast you go for Abseiling training and prepare yourself for the next day to abseil at Maletsunyane Falls! The training is done for the half day at the lodge. We strive to conserve the environment. World Record Maletsunyane Abseil This is the longest commercially operated single-drop abseil in the world as stated by Guinness World Records. (204m). 
Overnight at Lodge.

Day 3: All meals-own cost! 
After a good breakfast we go for abseiling in Maletsunyane and there is still time for Dinosaur footprints after lunch. 
Overnight at Lodge.
Day 4: All meals-own cost! 
Depart lodge after breakfast for Maseru airport-Moshoeshoe .

                                                                                                       End Of Tour!

TOUR - 5                                 Northern Drakensberg Hiking - Champagne Castle Peak 4 Nights / 5 Days 
 Strenuous to Severe
Duration: 3 days
Total distance covered: ±37.7km
Total height gain: ±2448m
(All distances should only be used as a guideline and a detailed route description will be supplied on confirmation of booking.) What makes this special: Summit the 3rd highest peak in South Africa and ideal training for your upcoming Kilimanjaro Trip.   Route: This hiking trail is doable for most people who have a moderate to high fitness level and some hiking experience will make this a more enjoyable trip. Although not a true expedition style trip, you need to be prepared for all types of weather as this area is known to have all four seasons in one day. Care also needs to be taken on Gray’s Pass as the path is not always well defined and taking the wrong turn could lead you into a precarious position. Champagne Castle at 3377m is the 3rd highest peak in South Africa and from the summit you can see both Mafadi at 3451m and Injasuthi Dome at 3410m in the distance. From the top of the pass, you will enjoy close-up views of Cathkin and Monks Cowl. 
Day 1: All meals-own cost!
Options are to be transferred from Durban /King Shaka airport, up to the Northern Drakensberg + - 3hours!
Overnight: at Guest Lodge.  
Day 2: All meals-own cost! 
The trail starts at Monks Cowl main camp and follows the standard route up to the Sphinx and then on to Breakfast Stream where you will appreciate a well-earned break and a chance to fill up water bottles. From here the path is an easy walk to Blindman’s Corner. At the junction you want to turn right and for the next few kms you will be following the contour path all the way past Hlathikulu Neck. This section is the same route on the Zulu Cave hike. Follow the path down, but not all the way down to the river, there is a path that will lead off to your left-hand side and will take you up into the Mhlatswini Valley. In front of you, you will see Gat Berg and the Dragons Back. The path will follow the side of the valley before dropping down into the river and you will follow the path crossing the river a few times before reaching Keith Bush Camp. The campsite is located on the right-hand side of the river as you look up the valley and is suitable for a couple of tents. There is a feint path that leads down to the river and in summer water is not an issue. In summer you might have to look for water higher up or lower down. At the campsite you will be surrounded by towering peaks on 3 sides and be treated to an awesome sunset as the clouds get painted by the setting sun. 
Overnight: Camping.  
Day 3: All meals-own cost!
After a good night’s rest and packing up camp as early as possible, find the path that leads up the spur to Gray’s Pass. The climb is steep, and the going will be slow with a heavy pack, remember to fill all your water bottles as there is no water on the pass until you reach the top of the pass. There are quite a few paths made by smugglers, find the path that’s in the best condition and follow it. At a rock band the path disappears, and it looks like it carries on into the valley, but it actually swings back and up the rock band. Take care here as a few people have gotten lost here. The path climbs up until you are in the shadow of the basalt cliffs and then contours around to the last little crux and then you enter the last rock scramble to the top. The scree is loose so make sure that the group is spaced out so that loose rocks will not hit anyone. Once on top you follow the path to the stream, and this is a good place to have a break and replenish your energy levels. Consult your map and plan a route to the top of Champagne Castle peak, the easiest route is to follow the valley as it tops out close to the highest point. On top of Champagne, you will have awesome views over the KZN midlands and looking south you will see the other two highest points in South Africa namely Magadi and Injasuth Dome. Follow the same path back that you came in with. At the river you will find a few flat camping spots close to the small waterfall. Remember to practice LNT principals and carry out all your trash and if you need to go, walk away from the river to dig your cat hole. 
Overnight: Camping.   
Day 4: All meals-own cost!
Your last day is going to be a longest day, so an early start is to your advantage. The route follows the same one you took up but now in reverse. Take care at the crux as it does look quite intimidating when you stand above it. Find a safe way down and take special care when wet. The downhill is taxing to your knees so go slowly and steadily. Be careful on the loose rocky section. When looking down the pass you can actually see the route the smugglers use, and it is easy to follow it all the way back to Hlathikulu Neck. The contour path section is going to feel like it never ends but before long you will be at Blindman’s Corner and the end is in sight. Remember to fill your water bottle up regularly and to keep hydrated especially in summer. By the time you reach the last downhill by the Sphinx your legs will be tired so take care on the last section especially on the loose rocks. You will appreciate reaching the camp and if you are in time, you can still enjoy a cold cooldrink at the little shop.  
Overnight: at Guest Lodge.

Day 5: All meals-own cost! 
After breakfast, be transferred back to Durban or King Skaka airport. 
                                                                                             END OF TOUR!   
Included: Park & overnight fees, rescue levy, first aid kit, Durban airport transfers x 2 and Professional Hiking Guide.
Excluded: All meals and snacks, stove & pots, tents, sleeping bag, backpack, personal gear and equipment, personal medication and footwear.
Camping Gear Hire is available-at additional cost.
Porters can be included at an additional cost. 

TOUR - 6                                                             Birding Tour –Lesotho: 4 Nights/5 Days 

Day 1- Dinner-Included!
Arrival in Underberg/Himeville in the late at the Country Lodge. 
Overnight –Country Lodge. 

Day 2- Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 
Take a guided tour from the small Kwa Zulu Natal towns of Underberg and Himeville and through the Southern Drakensberg into the highlands of Lesotho. Depart at 06H30 from Guest Lodge, with a packed breakfast and lunch provided for and start to ascend the Legendary Sani Pass. You will see the Bush Blackcap, Ground Woodpecker and the Gurneys Sugar Bird. Whilst travelling from scrub to Proteas grassland. Once at an altitude of (1800m) one may find species such as the Drakensberg Siskin and the Drakensberg Rock jumper. While on tour, one may at any time see the majestic Bearded Vulture, which inhabits the mountainous regions of the Lesotho highlands. The Bearded Vulture uses Lesotho for its nesting, but forages mostly in the Ukhahlamba National Park of the Southern Drakensberg special will be the Mountain Pipit, only seen in the summer months. Due to their constant change in habitat and once in Lesotho (2874m) several species found in the Karoo areas may be seen right across the Kwa Zulu Natal border, such as the Skewing Chat, Thick-Billed Lark, Lanyards Tit-Babbler and others. After a packed lunch, we now start ascending the Black Mountain Pass (3394m). There's always a good chance of seeing the Cape Vulture, Lammergeier/Bearded Vulture, Falcon, Harriers and the Black Eagle. Descend the Black Mountain (Seqodo Pass) and visit the New Highest Pub in Africa-the Sani Stone Lodge for a refreshment stop, if time permits. Descending the Sani Pass back into South Africa, we might see a couple of birds we missed in the late afternoon.
Overnight –Country Lodge. 

Day 3-Breakfst, Lunch & Dinner.
Depart after breakfast at 08H30 and travel along farm road through East Griqualand up the Ramatselitso's Pass (2000m), viewing birding along the way back into Lesotho and a packed lunch on route to the Sehlabathebe National Park (2400m). Once we’ve booked into our rooms, we should have some daylight left to view birding around the lodge. 
Overnight –National Park. 

Day 4-Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.
Depart at 06H30, with packed breakfast and lunch provided. We ascend a slight pass, which reminds us of the Sani Pass, overlooking the whole National Park, viewing of birding along the way. We descend into the actual park itself. Whole day spent in National Park, viewing birding and slight walks involved for different areas in the park. 
Overnight –National Park.

Day 5- Breakfast & Lunch.
After breakfast at 08H00, we go back to our rooms pack and depart at 09H00.Via the same route on the 3rd day, except now we travel via Matatiele and back to Underberg. Arrival in Underberg early afternoon+-14H00. 
(We either have a choice-overnight in Underberg /Himeville and have afternoon at leisure or get transferred to Durban)? Additional cost!
                                                                                                          END OF TOUR!
                                                                                                  Valid Passports Essential

TOUR- 7                                                         Lesotho MTB-Mountain Bike Tour -5 Nights / 6 Days

Day 1: Depending on flight arrival? 
 Pickup at Maseru airport 16H00 and be transferred to lodge. 
Overnight: Lodge.  
Day 2:  Depart after breakfast and be transferred in 4x4, = 1 hour, for the outback ride.
Route details: 62km = 7 HOURS, 1620 meters.
Surface: 48km gravel road, 14km single track. 
Overnight: lodge.

Day 3: Depart after breakfast for the Loop.
Route details: 54km= 6 HOURS 30, 1480 meters.
Surface: 27km single track, 27km gravel road. 
Overnight: Rondavels.

Day 4:  Depart after breakfast for the ride.
Route details: 63km= 7 HOURS 30, 1415 meters.
Surface: 6km tarred road, 12km single track, and 45km gravel road. 
Overnight: Guest lodge.   

Day 5: Depart after breakfast for the picturesque mountain rural ride.
Route details: 45km = 5 HOURS, 920 meters.
Surface: 10km single track, 44km gravel road. 
Overnight: Guest Lodge. 

Day 6: Depart after breakfast and be transferred to Maseru airport.  
                                                                           END OF MTB TOUR!                                         
                                                                        Valid Passports Essential!                                                                                                                                                                                            

General Information   -   Lesotho Overland Tours   
Every guest on tour is entering a rural and unspoiled African terrain. Therefore, it is necessary to travel with a flexible and tolerant mind. Accommodations, bathroom facilities and meals are at most places very basic, simple and rustic. Most lunch stops based on packed lunches or picnic meals. There are no toilet facilities on route or very seldom. We reserve the right to alter any routes or itineraries should circumstances, like weather, road conditions, unforeseen obstacles, etc. so demand. Some accommodations use generators for the supply of electricity, which switches off at 22:00, and gas geysers for hot water supply. Soft bags only, no big suitcases!   

TOUR -8                                                            7 Nights/8 Days Hiking or Pony Trekking!
Open and Tolerant minds are expected, as we are going back in time, where shops are nowhere to be found-in the Rural Outback's!

The treks are usually about 7 hours each day. The huts and horses are hired from the Basotho people in remote areas. The huts are very basic and are equipped with a gas cooker, cooking & eating utensils, mattresses on the floor, and a bucket of water. On trek you experience “THE REAL AFRICA”, staying in Basotho villages. The trails traverse spectacular mountain passes and some of Lesotho’s highest waterfalls. Basotho Guides and a packhorse accompany the treks. This is an adventure, at your own risk! Your name, number and next of Kin to be left at reception, before departure! Indemnity forms are to be signed! 

Day 1-Lunch & Dinner-Included! 
Pickup at Maseru airport and be transferred to Lodge. After lunch at Malealea lodge a local guide will take you on a +- 3 hours hike to view San Rock Art Paintings. The San Rock Art painted onto the walls of bare rock, are the best descriptions, I’ve not seen preserved in a very long time! Once reaching these caves our guide will give a descriptive history of the San People and their nomadic history throughout Lesotho. The description of the paintings will be described, and each illustration will be discussed in detail! The ascent back will be uphill all the way and stops will be made for photographs and a rest stops along the way. Arrival back at Lodge in time for local dancing and the local band, which have hand-made instruments. Dinner back at Lodge. 
Overnight: Lodge. 

Day 2 –Hike- 6-7 hrs. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner-Included! 
Your pack bags will be brought to your rooms in the morning where you can pack your gear in soft duffel bags or waterproof plastic bags. After breakfast you will be introduced to your horses and guides. After signing the indemnity forms and getting your helmets whist the guides strap your bags to the packhorses, you will be given a short briefing about how to ride the horses. Hikers will pack their saddle bags, wait for packhorses to be saddled up and they can start walking. The terrain is rough with a steep descent, river crossing and steep ascent and once you’re on top of the first valley, the going gets easier. After a few hours, you will get a chance to rest and have a picnic lunch and then it’s only a few more hours to Ha Khotso, you first overnight stop. The Ribaneng Falls have been in full view for the last hour, and we are looking forward to seeing them from close up. We unpack our gear in the hut, brew a cup of tea, and then head for the bottom of the falls, a two hour return hike. Very impressive they are, two single drops, fifty meters each, and a welcome ice-cold pool at the bottom.
Overnight: Rural Village – village huts. 

Day 3- (6 – 7 hrs.) All Meals-Included!
This morning is a tough uphill where you go from 1850 meters to 2600 meters via the top of the Ribaneng Falls. We stop here for a break and to admire the view. This pass was aptly named “Slide Your Ass” by the Roof of Africa Rally bikers, which was part of the route until, because of the erosion, it became suicidal impossible to negotiate. Even the Basotho pony, famous for its surefootedness, has difficulty here. As a matter of interest, in the early trading days under British rule, the ride from Malealea to Semonkong took twelve hours, today it takes up to three days, the old bridle paths are so badly eroded. From the top, it is practically downhill all the way for about three hours, to Ha Hlalele (Georgina’s village) where you will overnight. In the afternoon, you can do a short hike to view the Ketane Waterfall and Gorge, a 122m drop – about 2 hrs.
Overnight: Rural Village – village huts. 

Day 4 - (6 hrs.) Breakfast & Lunch-Included, Dinner-own cost! 
World Record Maletsunyane Abseil This is the longest commercially operated single-drop abseil in the world as stated by Guinness World Records. (204m). Today is a gentle ride/hike via the spectacular Maletsunyane Falls. Maletsunyane Falls is 204 meter high – the highest single drop falls in South Africa. We view the falls from the top of the gorge and then ride on to lodge. The pace today is much easier, though the altitude and terrain can make the going tiring. It feels good to be in civilization even if it’s for one night. You can order drinks from the bar and good, wholesome food from the restaurant.
Overnight: Lodge – En-suite lodge accommodation and Hot showers-WOW! 

Day 5- Hike- (5 hrs.) Breakfast & Lunch-own cost. Dinner –Included! 
After a hearty breakfast and collecting our packed lunches, we head back to Ketane village. The route is spectacular – even if it’s the same route, you experience different views pony trekking in a different direction. Georgina welcomes us back to Ketane. You can hike to the top of Ketane falls in the afternoon if you did not do this on the previous occasion. This takes about 2 hrs. 
Overnight: Rural Village – village huts. 

Day 6 -Hike- (6hrs). All meals- Included! 
The ride takes about 6 hours. It’s an easy ride as you the route takes you along the top of the mountains.
Overnight: Rural Village – village huts. 

Day 7- Hike-(7hrs). Breakfast, Lunch& Dinner-Included! 
PLEASE NOTE: When the Makhaleng River is in flood, we have to use the bridge which will add about 2 hours to the ride. You descend into the Valley of Paradise, where you are welcomed with hot showers and the comforts of the Lodge. You can enjoy a hearty home cooked meal and much camaraderie round the fire in the evening. Paradise Pass (2001m). 
Overnight: Guest Lodge. 

Day 8-Breakfast & Lunch-Included (Depending on departure flight!). 
Depart Lodge after breakfast, for Maseru airport. The tour will finish off by visiting Morija, named after the biblical Mt. Moriah. Established in 1956. Morija has maintained the magic that first attracted the missionaries. It is the only forested village in Lesotho, with every road lined with trees, some of which dating back more than a century. Hidden between the trees is the historic ‘mother church’, as well as the schools, the printing works, the hospital, the museum and other institutions established by the missionaries.                                                 

                                                                                       End Of Tour! 
                               If the number of people increase or decrease, the costing will be adjusted accordingly! 

We supply- Cutlery, crockery, pots and pans. Mattresses on the floor at the overnight huts. Gas cooker Bucket of fresh spring water for cooking, drinking and washing. (If you have a sensitive stomach use water purification tablet or boil the water first before drinking). 

What to bring- Sleeping Bags or you can hire sleeping bags from the Lodge-own cost, but not very warm! For Summer only! Rain Suit & Warm clothing Sunscreen & Hat Torch, Candles or Gas Light Water Bottle – Water Purifying Tablets (Optional) First Aid Kit Suggested items of Clothing Other necessary items Change of clothing long sleeve trousers and long sleeve shirt. Short sleeve shirt and shorts Warm Fleece and Rain Jacket/Suit Wide-brim hat and Sunscreen Scarf around Neck. Extra pair of shoes Swimsuit Toiletries Towel White gold (Toilet Paper) Dish washing liquid, dish sponge/cloth and drying cloth Black Bin Bags Bottle opener/can opener Swiss army knife Tupperware containers Should you have a small camping stove, bring it along just in case.
URGENT-Food-is supplied for RURAL overnight stay only, but for very basic needs. Please advise, if you would like to choose your own supply of food? (This decision could make or break the tour)!

TOUR- 9                       Lesotho Overland + Hluhluwe / Umfolozi Game Reserve - 8 Nights / 9 Days. 
Depending on flight Arrival, otherwise an additional day, should be added!  

Day 1: All Meals-Included! 
Pick up at Maseru airport and depending on arrival of flight, do orientation tour of Maseru and The Hat (Craft Centre). If timing permits, we will stop at the Maseru Post office and collect stamps of Lesotho. Maseru is the capital and largest city of Lesotho. It is also the capital of the Maseru District. Located on the Caledon River, Maseru lies directly on the Lesotho-South Africa border. Maseru is Lesotho's capital city with a population of approximately 320,000. The city was established as a police camp and assigned as the capital after the country became a British protectorate in 1869. When the country achieved independence in 1966, Maseru retained its status as capital. The name of the city is a Sesotho word meaning "red sandstones". 
Overnight: at Guest House.   

Day 2: All Meals-Included! 
Depart for Ha Kome Caves situated near Teya-Teyaneng .At Ha Kome there is a remarkable village where cave dwellings have been carved out under towering rocks. The families still living there today are descendants of the original people who “built” the caves in the 19th century and the site is now a National Heritage Site. The people living there now still live much as their forefathers did almost two centuries ago and those who have occupied the caves over the years have left a rich cultural history.
Gruesomely, this area was once home to cannibals and past generations of Basotho fled to the caves to hide from them. Parking at the top of the hill allows you to walk.
for about 20 minutes to reach the Ha Kome visitors Centre where we will be given a guided tour of the caves and told something of the history and culture of the people. This is the burial site of the Kings graves. Thaba Bosiu is a sandstone plateau with an area of approximately 2 km2 and a height of 1,804 meters above sea level. It is located between the Orange and Caledon Rivers in the Maseru District of Lesotho, 24 km east of the country's capital Maseru. In the early 19th century, the Basotho chief Moshoeshoe I established a stronghold on the plateau to act as a refuge for his people during a war with the Ndebele people. At an elevation of nearly 120 meters above the surrounding area, the plateau formed a natural fortress to gather the Basotho people in times of danger. The plateau's large area meant it could hold enough livestock and provisions to support the people during a lengthy siege. The word Thaba means mountain in the Sesotho language and Bosiu means 'at night'. The name mountain of the night echoed the local belief that the mountain grew during the night and shrunk during day, leaving enemies who tried scaling it during the night still stranded on the cliffs and vulnerable for attack next morning. Thaba Bosiu also acted as Moshoeshoe's headquarters during the various Basuto Wars. During the first Free State–Basotho War against the Orange Free State in 1858, the Free State's commandoes tried assaulting the stronghold, but met with little success During the third war against the Free State in 1868, Thaba Bosiu was the only stronghold in Basutoland that wasn't stormed by the Free State forces. In the time the stronghold remained manned, it was never taken by the enemy When Moshoeshoe died in 1870, he was buried on Thaba Bosiu. The settlement on Thaba Bosiu has since been abandoned, and only ruins and the graves of various Basotho chiefs remain. The plateau is currently a national monument and often visited by tourists. Travel via Moit'supeli, turning left towards Koro-Koro. A scenic drive through bushy landscape, small forests and farmland dotted with picturesque villages. Along the road dense bushes and shrubs used by locals for medical purposes, picturesque mountain landscapes and rural settlements. At the roadside basalt stone with hardened bubbles. Packed lunch provided for. Entering very rural part of Lesotho and a lot of interacting with the local population takes place. Our destination houses a popular Pony Trekking Center and is situated in secluded woodland surrounded by beautiful countryside.
Overnight: at Lodge.   

Day 3: All meals –Included! 
After a good breakfast 07h00 at the lodge, departure 08h00 and walk to view San Rock Art Paintings, at Echo Cave. 1.Pony ride to Echo Caves, which has 2 x San Rock Art sites. Duration is 3 hours return! Hiking down to Echo Caves, visiting a Basotho rural village and interacting with the local people, along the way! A bit treacherous footing –Please be very Careful, while descending the single track! Depart after viewing Echo Caves, Depart for Morija Museum, Pizza Lunch and viewing of the Kings Palace! The tour will finish off by visiting the Kings Palace (STRICTLY NO PHOTOS ALLOWED)!  And Morija, named after the biblical Mt. Moriah. Morija has maintained the magic that first attracted the missionaries. It is the only forested village in Lesotho, with every road lined with trees, some of which dating back more than a century. Hidden between the trees is the historic ‘mother church’, as well as the schools, the printing works, the hospital, the museum and other institutions established by the missionaries. 

                             Basotho warriors fighting –Shaka’s Impis   Morija Museum & Archives Overview -
Established in 1956, Morija Museum & Archives collects valuable archival material and museum collections. The museum also works on a range of arts & culture projects, plus, heritage and community-based tourism initiatives. At the heart of Morija Museum & Archives (MMA) are its valuable archival and museum collections, which have been growing incrementally since the 19th century. These collections form the basis for research and publishing, as well as exhibitions and educational programmes for schools, visitors and tourists. Morija Museum was formally established in 1956 based upon the Dieterlen family ethnographic and historical collections together with paleontological and geological collections from the Ellenberger. These two collections provided the main pillars of the present-day Museum collections which have been growing incrementally over the past 50 years. In 2005, for example, a collection of more modern material culture including hundreds of beaded items was bequeathed to the museum by Chris Van Nispen. Proceed along winding, ascending 2.750m high Thaba Putswa range of mountains, which dominates the range in the north. On tar road we drive past mountains of white sandstone to Roma. The city is the principal center of the Roman Catholic Church in Lesotho and since 1964 the site of the National University of Lesotho. Roma was found in 1862 when King Moshoeshoe granted the site to Bishop Allard and Father Gerard to Semonkong known as ‘The Place of Smoke’. The place boasts the spectacular Maletsunyane Falls which thunder from a height of 204m, as one of the highest /longest single drop waterfalls in Africa. The journey will explore through the rugged mountains of Lesotho with experienced guides via Roma. A scenic drive through bushy landscape, small forests and farmland dotted with picturesque villages. Along the road dense bushes and shrubs used by the locals for medical purposes, e.g., the “Wild Old Wood Bush” is a remedy for Asthma and Flu or the “Chi/Chi Bush” (Old Wood Bush) for stomach problems. On the roadside basalt stone with hardened volcanic bubbles. We descend the pass to a viewpoint at 1.860m to look down to the awesome valley. An exciting journey high over the summit of the Thaba Putswa Range via Makheka’s Pass and across the basalt moorland roof of Southern Africa to Semonkong, “the Place of Smoke”. View stop at 2.260m before we reach the summit of the Makheka’s Pass with 2.860m. Panoramic views to the valley with farmlands. The grassland around is dotted with the yellow flowers of Euryops, the white Arum Lilies, the bright red and yellow colours of the Red-Hot Pokers and plenty of other wildflowers. Basotho ponies will be on standby for those who would prefer to pony trek to Maletsunyane falls along the rugged terrain. Arrival late afternoon.  
Overnight at Lodge.    

Day 4: All meals –Included! 
The clients will have a chance to hike to the bottom of the waterfall where swimming and Trout fishing can be enjoyed?     
Activities available for own account: 
Hiking or Horse riding to the Maletsunyane Waterfall – Place of Smoke! (2-3 hours ride).  
The mighty Maletsunyane Falls is one of the highest single drop waterfalls in Africa! Creating a haze of smoke as the water plummets with savage splendour 204 meters down into a spectacular gorge. This is how Semonkong, The Place of Smoke, got its name. Landlocked by South Africa lies a country with the highest lowest point in the world & hiding away in the magnificent Maloti Mountains, you will discover the gem that is Semonkong Lodge, built on the banks of the Maletsunyane River using only local stone & thatch, that offers just the right balance between civilization and rustic elegance, electricity, hot showers, roaring fireplaces, and not a telephone in sight. The fully licensed Duck and Donkey Tavern and Restaurant, provide a popular meeting place for both locals and guests. The restaurant serves world renowned, affordable scrumptious meals and also caters for vegetarians. Experience the wilds of Lesotho .  
Overnight at Lodge.

 World Record Maletsunyane Abseil This is the longest commercially operated single-drop abseil in the world as stated by Guinness World Records. (204m).                   

Day 5: All meals –Included! 
After a good breakfast depart at 08H20 and climbing back up into the mid highlands of Lesotho overlooking the Senqu / Orange River at 2.080m stop at “Christ the King” viewpoint with a beautiful view into the valley below and mountains around. Cross over the Orange River (Senqu River) river. An exciting journey high over the summit of the Thaba Putswa Range via Makheka’s Pass and across the basalt moorland roof of Southern Africa. Travelling through rural Lesotho villages, before turning right and crossing over the Orange/Senqu River. The Orange River, South Africa's major river, rises in the Drakensberg in Lesotho, where it is known as the Senqu. From where the river leaves Lesotho, it flows westward for some 2200km to where it finally flows into the Atlantic Ocean at Alexander Bay. Exciting Lesotho via Qacha's Nek border post. Qacha's Nek is district of Lesotho. Qacha's Nek is the capital or Camptown, and only town in the district. In the south, Qacha's Nek borders on the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and it has a short border with KwaZulu-Natal Province in the Far East. Domestically, it borders on Quthing District in southwest, Mohale's Hoek District in west and Thaba-Tseka District in the northern direction. Enjoy travelling through picturesque farmlands of East Griqualand with traditional decorated huts along the route. A scenic drive through bushy landscape, small forests and farmland dotted with picturesque villages. Passing through Matatiele in the Eastern Cape, bordering on Kwa Zulu Natal, travel to Underberg by late afternoon and travelling through the small town of Swartburg. 
The Gariep Dam, near Colesburg, is the main storage structure within the Orange River. From here the water is supplied in two directions, namely westward along the Orange River (via hydro-electric power generators) to the Vanderkloof Dam, and southward through the Orange-Fish Tunnel to the Eastern Cape. The total Orange-Senqu River basin extends over four countries, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, and South Africa, and covers an area of 1 000 000 km². 64.2% (642 000 km²) of the basin falls within South Africa, 24.5% (245 000 km²) in Namibia, 7.9% (79 000 km²) in Botswana and 3.4% (34 000 km²) in Lesotho. The basin incorporates the central part of South Africa, which represents nearly half of the surface area of the RSA, the whole of Lesotho (where the main river is known as the Senqu), reaches to the southern part of Botswana, and drains most of the southern half of Namibia.
Alluvial Diamonds
In 1957, the first diamond discovered in Lesotho and the first in South Africa, the Eureka Diamond-10.73 Carats, was found in 1967.
 , was found near Hopetown on the Orange River/Senqu River. Two years later, a much larger diamond known as the Star of South Africa was found in the same area, causing a diamond rush. This was soon eclipsed by the diamond rush to mine diamonds directly from kimberlite at Kimberley in 1871, although alluvial diamonds continued to be found in the Orange. Today, several commercial diamond mines operate on the last stretch of the river, as well as the beaches around its mouth. Diamond mines also operate on the middle stretch of the river.                                                Overnight at Guest Lodge or similar! 

Day 6: All Meals-Included! 
                                                         SANI PASS DAY TRIP INTO LESOTHO!   THE HIGHEST PUB IN AFRICA -2874m
                                                                        As Thaba Tours-Motto Says-We Go Further!  
Departure at 08H00 from Guest Lodge and travel through the World Heritage Site of the Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park, with regular stops, following the Mkomazana River up the scenic Sani Valley to the South African Border Post (border formalities). We continue up the Sani Pass, which was built by David Alexander between 1948 and 1954 viewing the Hodgson’s Peaks and the Giants Cup. Climbing to an altitude of 2.874m and zigzag upwards beneath towering cliffs, buttresses, past waterfalls and unique flora and bird life. After having completed the border formalities at Lesotho Border, we visit the village to learn more about the Basotho culture.  We get invited into a Basotho Hut, tasting of Basotho Home-Made Bread and Traditional beer.  The guests get to interact with Basotho People. We arrive at the “Highest Pub in Africa” (2.874m) for lunch (excluded in the price). The restaurant offers international and South African meals from the A la Carte menu. We have decided to move venue. Descending the legendary Sani Pass with a spectacular view into the Sani Valley. Arrival in Underberg approximately at 15h30-16h00 Bring: Warm jacket, comfortable walking shoes, cameras, mineral water. Depart immediately for Durban, late arrival 18H30. 
Overnight at Lodge!  

Day 7: All Meals-Included! 
Transferred at 08H00 from Durban to north coast, north coast is surrounded by an estuary that lies at the southernmost entrance to the iSimangaliso Wetland Park in the Elephant Coast region of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. The north coast is home to various ecosystems which includes swamps, lake systems, coral reefs, beaches, wetlands, woodlands and coastal forests. The town lies in the heart of unspoilt beauty with plenty of wildlife. Portions of this area have been a game reserve since as early as 1895. iSimangaliso is within the World Heritage Site of ISimangaliso and approaching the area from Mtubatuba is truly spectacular.  The north coast lake is rich in rare marine fossils, and research done here has indicated that the area started forming approximately 140 000 000 years ago. Lunch in north coast of Durban and then go on a boat cruise on the north coast estuary to view Hippos Crocodiles and local bird life- 2 hours and depart for the north coast.
Overnight at Guest Lodge.   

Day 8: All Meals – Included. 
Depart lodge after breakfast and visit A reserve where Zulu Kings once Hunted and Game Capture was established when less than 100 White Rhino were left in the world. Be memorized by its rolling Hills, Pans, Hides, Loop Roads, and Rivers. The open Savannah grasslands and thick bush a true Reserve in Africa. Hluhluwe-Umfolozi is the oldest proclaimed reserve in Africa size 96000 hectares offers the wildlife enough space to roam freely from the Northern to the Southern reaches in the lower Umfolozi. Hluhluwe-Umfolozi can be described as magical, the staff are passionate about conservation and the reserve is truly worth a safari. Just to think that only 100 Rhinos were once left in the world, and it is the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi's efforts to safeguard these amazing creatures from extinction. In 1895 with only 20 surviving Southern White Rhino's left in the world, this invoked the proclamation of the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve's. By the 1960s the populations had recovered to such an extent that the Umfolozi faced overpopulation of White Rhino. Operation Rhino was created, and this was the start of translocation and Game Capture. In the early days, rangers would dart animals by foot or horseback today Helicopters are used. Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve not only has the Big 5 but also offers sightings Cheetah, Wild Dogs and much, much more! 
Overnight at Lodge.     

Day 9: All Meals-Included! (or drop Swaziland border post)! 
Depart after breakfast depart for Durban airport and the midday flight out (+-14H00)!

                                                                                      END OF TOUR!           
 This quote is based on 2x people! If the number of clients decreases, the costing will be adjusted accordingly! Please advise your Nationality, as Lesotho has Visas restrictions on certain countries.   

Included: All Accommodation                           Excluded: All Alcoholic + Soft Drinks    
                 3x Meals a day                                                      Personal Insurances +Expenses       
                 2x Mineral Water –per day                                  All Activities –own cost!                 
                 Transport in 4x4 vehicles                                     Tips to Guides                 
                 Driver/Guide Fees                                                 Entry Fees                               
                 2x Airport transfers   
                                                                                                                                                                                                             General Information    
Every guest on tour is entering a rural and unspoiled African terrain. Therefore, it is necessary to travel with a tolerant and flexible mind. 
Accommodations, bathroom facilities and meals are at most places very basic, simple and rustic. Most lunch stops based on packed lunches or picnic meals. There are no toilet facilities on route or very seldom.
We reserve the right to alter any routes or itineraries should circumstances, like weather, road conditions, unforeseen obstacles, etc. so demand. 
Some accommodations use generators for the supply of electricity, which switches off at 22:00, and gas geysers for hot water supply. 
                                                                This is True, unspoilt Africa –at its Best!                 

TOUR - 10                                                      Lesotho MTB Tour -9 Nights / 10 Days 
                                                                           Own Mountain Bikes -Required!
Open and Tolerant minds are expected, as we are going back in time, where shops are nowhere to be found-in the Rural Outback's!

Day 1: Dinner-Included!
Depending on flight arrival? Pickup at Maseru airport and be transferred to lodge. 
Overnight: at Lodge. 

Day 2: Depart after breakfast- All meals -Included=Acclimatization Day
After breakfast assemble your mountain bikes.  Valley ride and 20km (easy riding in and around village) Surface: 8km single track, 8km gravel road, 4km tarred road. 
Overnight: at lodge. 

Day 3: All Meals-Included!
Depart after breakfast and do the 61km, 1520 meters. Surface: 45km gravel road, 9km single track, 7km tarred road. 
Overnight: at lodge. 

Day 4: All Meals-Included!
Depart after breakfast and do the 51km, 1235 meters. Surface: 8km tarred road, 31km single track, and 12km gravel road. 
Overnight: at lodge. 

Day 5: All Meals-Included!
Rest Day or do the Maletsunyane waterfalls-204 meters. Route details: 16km, 400 meters. Surface: 12km gravel road, 4km single track. 
Overnight: at lodge.

Day 6: All Meals-Included!
Depart after breakfast for the 62km, 1620 meters. Surface: 48km gravel road, 14km single track. 
Overnight: at lodge.

Day 7: All Meals-Included!
Depart after breakfast for the 54km, 1480 meters. Surface: 27km single track, 27km gravel road.
Overnight: Lodge or in Huts. 

Day 8: All Meals-Included!
Depart after breakfast for the 63km, 1415 meters. Surface: 6km tarred road, 12km single track, and 45km gravel road. 
Overnight: Guest lodge. 

Day 9: All Meals-Included!
Depart after breakfast for the, 45km, 920 meters. Surface: 10km single track, 25km gravel road, 10km tarred road. 
Overnight: Lodge.

Day 10: Breakfast-Included!
Depart after breakfast be transferred to Maseru airport. 

                                                                                      End Of MTB Tour!

TOUR - 11                   Lesotho MTB and Northern Drakensberg Tour – 12 Nights- 13 Days

Day 1: Depending on flight arrival? 
Pickup at Maseru airport and be transferred to lodge , bike setup and do the Valley ride with dinner at the student pub and have a local barbeque and a Maloti beer.
The Loop Route details: 20km (easy riding in and around Roma)
Surface: 8km single track, 8km gravel road, 4km tarred road. 
Overnight: at lodge.

Day 2: All Meals-Included!

Route details: 45km, 920 meters.
Surface: 10km single track, 25km gravel road, 10km tarred road. 
Overnight: Guest House.   

Day 3:  All Meals-Included!
Route details: 63km, 1415 meters.
Surface: 6km tarred road, 12km single track, 45km gravel road.
Overnight: lodge.  

Day 4: All Meals-Included!
Route details: 54km, 1480 meters.
Surface: 27km single track, 27km gravel road.
Overnight: lodge.

Day 5:  All meals - Included!
Route details: 62km, 1620 meters.
Surface: 48km gravel road, 14km single track. 
Overnight:  at lodge.

Day 6: All meals - Included!
Route details: 16km, 400 meters.
Surface: 12km gravel road, 4km single track.
Overnight: lodge.

Day 7:  All meals -Included!
Route details: 51km, 1235 meters.
Surface: 8km tarred road, 31km single track, and 12km gravel road. 
Overnight: lodge.

Day 8:  All Meals-Included!
Route details: 61km, 1520 meters.
Surface: 45km gravel road, 9km single track, 7km tarred road. 
Overnight: lodge.

Day 9: All Meals-Included!
Depart after breakfast and exit Lesotho and travel through the Orange Free State, have lunch in Clarens, after lunch travel via the Golden Gate National Park and arrival at lodge in the Drakensberg late afternoon. 
Overnight: at Lodge. 

Day 10: All Meals -Included!
The first day starts off down the valley on flowing single track through the Meander and past the pecan grove before climbing up to lodge via a short section of tar. From Montusi its back on the single track down into the Wanhoop Valley, across the Wanhoop stream and into the Langkloof community. Stop for cold drinks at a local spaza shop before heading up the spectacular Berg Traverse. This section of trail is usually only accessible as part of the Ridetheberg race, so this is a special section. The descent back into the Wanhoop Valley offers some challenging switch backs – just to make sure everyone is wide awake. The trail then climbs steeply back to Montusi via Angry Astma, and then back up the valley to lodge. +- 45 km If the group stays at Montusi, the route will exclude the ride down the valley past the Pecan Grove and back again but will include more of the single track around valley views. The distance will be +- 30km.  
Overnight: at Lodge. 

Day 11: All Meals-Included! 
Back down the valley on the fast single track, but this time keeping to the track that runs parallel to the road. Then the climbing starts. Over the hill to lodge, then 6km of steep climbing on the concrete strips to lodge. The pain is worth the reward at the top – the new Ingwe trail is a mind-blowing meander through the sandstone outcrops and yellow wood trees. The trail then joins back up with the Road – a 4x4 trail which hugs the Sandstone cliffs and ends with an arm pumping descent past back  and stop in there for a cup of tea and a scone, (or a lovely Drakensberg Brewery Craft Beer) before meandering back to the lodge via the single track of the Windmill trail and the awesome berms on Forbidden Pass. (+- 38km) If the group stays at Montusi the ride will start down the Berms at Forbidden Pass, take in the switchbacks on the Quad Trail past the Montusi Water fall Cave and Owls Pass, before heading through the fields past the Pecan Grove and the climb over to Alpine Heath and up to Greenfire. The ride finishes with the fast Nook Road descent. (+- 36kms).     
Overnight: at Guest Lodge.

Day 12: All Meals-Included!
Today’s route starts with a sharp climb out of the lodge on to the spectacular Trail and heads over to offices via Down Time – an 8km masterpiece of coordinated turns that drop down form the ridge into the valley. After a cappuccino fun continues down the Trail into the Gorge. If the guys have the legs for it, they can have a go at the Lap Race (2x 5km laps) to see if they can get on to the leader board. If the Lap Race isn’t on the cards, the route meanders back through the valley on a gentle gradient, along the river in the acacia trees, until the last climb up the lodge (+-25km) If the group stays at Montusi the ride will start down the berms of Pass and through the single track beside the Pecan trees, before joining with the trail that climbs up to the lodge. The ride finishes back up the Pass. (+- 35km).  
Overnight at Guest Lodge.

Day 13: After breakfast depart for Durban airport!   
                                                                                             END OF TOUR!  
                                                                                   Valid Passports Essential!   

General Information   -   Lesotho Overland Tours   
Every guest on tour is entering a rural and unspoiled African terrain. Therefore, it is necessary to travel with a flexible and tolerant mind. Accommodations, bathroom facilities and meals are at most places very basic, simple and rustic. Most lunch stops based on packed lunches or picnic meals. There are no toilet facilities on route or very seldom. We reserve the right to alter any routes or itineraries should circumstances, like weather, road conditions, unforeseen obstacles, etc. so demand. Some accommodations use generators for the supply of electricity, which switches off at 22:00, and gas geysers for hot water supply. Soft bags only, no big suitcases                 


